Omer Learning: Day 8

The Count

Tonight we count the following day of the Omer:

Today is 8 days, which is 1 week and 1 day of the Omer

See: The blessings and procedure for counting the Omer.

Today’s Learning

Pirkei Avot 6:6 tells us: Greater is learning Torah than the priesthood and than royalty, for royalty is acquired by thirty stages, and the priesthood by twenty-four, but the Torah by forty-eight things.

The 8th way is: By humility

From our community:

The X effect is a delightfully simple strategy for picking up a new habit. The process is fully described here:

But the idea is simple: draw a 7×7 grid, and every day that you do the habit, put a big o’l X in the day’s grid space.

I love that the 7×7 grid corresponds to 7 weeks, or one 49 day Omer Counting Period!
–Omer Bot

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