Omer Learning 2019: Day 16 | Siddur Q & A: Do all the extra notes add to …

Today is 16 days, which is 2 weeks and 2 days of the Omer

Instructions for counting the omer are found on our Omer Overview Page. You can find the specific blessing for today at

We’re dedicating new Siddurim on the first day of Shavuot. In honor of this wonderful occasion, we’re using the counting of the Omer to learn about the siddur.

Enjoy today’s siddur related question and answer, which was provided by Rabbi Bash.

Do all the extra notes add to or distract from following the service?

It’s personal preference; each to his/her own.

Follow up question: Can I make my own notes in the siddur?

You can! Just be sure to not write near the name of G-d. Also, we don’t write on Shabbat, so you can’t annotate your text during services. Some Rabbis recommend this practice seeing it as a way to customize the siddur to your personal needs.

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