Omer Learning 2018: Day 35 | Parashah: Korach

Today is 35 days, which is 5 weeks of the Omer

Instructions for counting the omer are found on our Omer Overview Page. You can find the specific blessing for today at

We’re dedicating a new Sefer Torah on the first day of Shavuot. In honor of this joyous occasion, we’re using the counting of the Omer to take a whirlwind trip through the Torah

Today’s portion is Korach from the book of Numbers. Today’s insight was generously provided by Jerry J.

Verses of note: Numbers 16:1-3

What caught your attention in this parashah?

Korach and his associates challenge the leadership of Moses and Aaron: “You have gone too far…Why do you raise yourselves above the congregation?”

What’s one explanation for these verses?

Although Korach was a Levite and therefore part of the “leadership team,” he led a type of populist rebellion against the leadership of Moses and Aaron. Moses and God were angry with this opposition, and it was put down lethally. Some 15,000 people perished by earthquake or plague.

Why were such harsh measures needed? The Torah had been given, and the nation was being formed with a judiciary and tribal leadership, but there were no federal elections. Moses was God’s chosen leader, and at this precarious moment in the nation’s birth, there was no notion of elections and representative government.

Even today with American democracy, there are opposition groups and cliques even within synagogue life. This can be very trying and even depressing for the leaders and may make one ask whether community leadership is worth the aggravation. Just like Moses, leaders are challenged to persevere for the good of the community, even if there is personal hardship. This Torah reading questions the propriety of the rebellion and challenges leaders to continue for the greater good, even in the face of opposition.

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