Omer Learning 2018: Day 33 | Parashah: Behaalotecha

Today is 33 days, which is 4 weeks and 5 days of the Omer

Instructions for counting the omer are found on our Omer Overview Page. You can find the specific blessing for today at

We’re dedicating a new Sefer Torah on the first day of Shavuot. In honor of this joyous occasion, we’re using the counting of the Omer to take a whirlwind trip through the Torah

Today’s portion is Behaalotecha from the book of Numbers. Today’s insight was generously provided by Sophie W.

Verses of note: Numbers 11:1-35

What caught your attention in this parashah?

Beha’alotcha describes events that occurred as the Israelites travel through the desert after leaving Egypt. G-d was giving them manna to eat every day and then they began complaining that they didn’t have meat to eat like they did in Egypt. They were now free people and given food, but they wanted to complain about what they didn’t have. G-d then gave the Israelites quails to eat and they were very greedy and stuffed themselves. G-d became anger and struck the greedy people with a plague/fire and they were killed.

What’s one explanation for these verses?

These verses teach us to be grateful for what we have because things could always be worse. If we have what we need we should be appreciative and not focus on what we want.

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