Omer Learning 2018: Day 18 | Parashah: Mishpatim

Today is 18 days, which is 2 weeks and 4 days of the Omer

Instructions for counting the omer are found on our Omer Overview Page. You can find the specific blessing for today at

We’re dedicating a new Sefer Torah on the first day of Shavuot. In honor of this joyous occasion, we’re using the counting of the Omer to take a whirlwind trip through the Torah

Today’s portion is Mishpatim from the book of Exodus. Today’s insight was generously provided by Sylvia G.

Mishpatim has always been a favorite of mine. It speaks to me as the very essence of Judaism. This parashah tells us how to be. How to be a member of a civil society. It, like so much of Torah has a universality of appeal, not only to Jews but all peoples. So many of the laws, and regulations apply for all eternity and in all ages. And Talmud, all the way to today’s Responsa help us to read Torah for today’s world.

Hillel said. “That which is hateful unto you do not do to your neighbor. This is the whole of the Torah, The rest is commentary.” Many of the verses in Mishpatim exemplify his statement. Chapter 23:1 You must not carry false rumor; you shall not join hands with the mighty to do wrong.

That’s merely a beginning. While these words are Torah, I believe that what Hillel meant is that this series of how to treat others, expanded by Talmud and Midrash, and all other commentary that follows, explains and expands how to be Jewish.

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