Omer Learning 2018: Day 17 | Parashah: Yitro

Today is 17 days, which is 2 weeks and 3 days of the Omer

Instructions for counting the omer are found on our Omer Overview Page. You can find the specific blessing for today at

We’re dedicating a new Sefer Torah on the first day of Shavuot. In honor of this joyous occasion, we’re using the counting of the Omer to take a whirlwind trip through the Torah

Today’s portion is Yitro from the book of Exodus. Today’s insight was generously provided by Cady S.

Verses of note: Exodus 18:1-20:23

What caught your attention in this parashah?

The Israelites look up to Moses and look to him for guidance. Moses believes that he has the responsibility of answering his people’s questions. This combination leads to a situation in which Moses is helping every single Israelite by tending to their worries, questions, and concerns. Yitro, Moses’s father in law, watches Moses spending all of his time helping the people, so he talks to Moses. He convinces Moses to ask trustworthy people to solve all the Israelites minor disputes, so that Moses can handle bigger, more important arguments. Why did Moses not view this as a criticism from Yitro?

What’s one explanation for these verses?

Sometimes it is difficult to hear criticism. Even though Moses was a prophet and the one given the 10 commandments he listened to Yitro and heeded his advice, keeping in mind that one can always learn from others. The story of Moses and Yitro taught us to grow and to change and to respect others. Moses respected his father in law and therefore listened to his advice, which proved to be very helpful. If someone reaches out to give constructive criticism or advice as Yitro did, it means that they care about you and what you are doing. The advice may give you an advantage, making you a better person or improving what you are working on. Like Moses did, if you don’t take the constructive criticism personally, you can learn a lot from others.

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