Omer Learning 2018: Day 15 | Parashah: Bo

Today is 15 days, which is 2 weeks and 1 day of the Omer

Instructions for counting the omer are found on our Omer Overview Page. You can find the specific blessing for today at

We’re dedicating a new Sefer Torah on the first day of Shavuot. In honor of this joyous occasion, we’re using the counting of the Omer to take a whirlwind trip through the Torah

Today’s portion is Bo from the book of Exodus. Today’s insight was generously provided by Mike S.

Verses of note: Exodus 10:1, 12:1-15

What caught your attention in this parashah?

Parshah Bo recounts the preparations and departure of the Israelites from Egypt, along with the final three plagues. One notable thing is that despite our tradition that matzot are because there was no time for the bread to rise, the commandment to eat matzot came at least five days before the departure (Ex. 12:1-15). But I have long wondered about the wording of the opening (Ex. 10:1): “God said to Moses, ‘Come to Pharaoh’”. Why is it not “Go to Pharaoh”? See, for example, the beginning of Jonah, where he is commanded to go (not come) to Ninveh.

What’s one explanation for these verses?

Rashi does not answer this directly, but gives what I take as a clue. He says that Moses was ordered to come to Pharaoh to warn him. So perhaps “Go to Pharaoh” might imply permission to give up if Pharaoh says at first to go away. “Come to Pharaoh”, however, means that Moses and Aaron must persist until they succeed in arriving before the ruler to deliver the warning.

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