Outdoor Preschool

If you have driven by the shul lately, you may have noticed some new structures on the playground and on top of the Sukkah and wondered, what is going on? The preschool has operated exclusively outdoors (except for bathroom breaks and teacher prep) since September, apart from 3 hours, or one school day. We have discovered that being outdoors in all kinds of weather is fun, well almost.

In addition to working with families and teachers to ensure everyone has the proper outdoor gear, we have weatherproofed our outdoor spaces with the addition of a carport on the playground, and an old tent frame on top of the Sukkah to help direct water away. Special thanks to Edgar Rendon, Rav Natan, Marcy and Max Burka and the Nuland family for assisting with our efforts.

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2920 Arlington Blvd, Arlington, VA 22204
