Omer Learning 2019: Day 37 | Siddur Q & A: Prayers never really change. W…

Today is 37 days, which is 5 weeks and 2 days of the Omer

Instructions for counting the omer are found on our Omer Overview Page. You can find the specific blessing for today at

We’re dedicating new Siddurim on the first day of Shavuot. In honor of this wonderful occasion, we’re using the counting of the Omer to learn about the siddur.

Enjoy today’s siddur related question and answer, which was provided by Jack L..

Prayers never really change. Why does a congregation need to replace perfectly functional siddurim?

Not so much for those now filling the “pews,” but for those we hope may fill them in the future. Faith remains constant, but a congregation must regenerate. I have attended Conservative synagogues with siddurim older than I am. They are hanging on, but not regenerating.

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