Congregation Etz Hayim Sisterhood: Did you Know?

When: Wednesday, January 12th
Time: 7:00 PM
Online only

Since 1943, Congregation Etz Hayim has had a Sisterhood! For those women members of Congregation Etz Hayim who missed the December 12 meeting, we are happy to offer another opportunity for you to participate! Join us on January 12 at 7:00pm to learn more about CEH Sisterhood and weigh in on its future.  The meeting will be held virtually.

Historically, Sisterhood has provided service to the congregation in the form of tzedakah (purchasing items needed for the synagogue such as window treatments, table and chairs; supplies for the preschool; gifts for b’nai mitzvah students; fundraising for Jewish theological seminary students; and a major contribution to the Capital Fund to support remodeling), providing catering services for kiddush lunches, oneg Shabbat and b’nai mitzvah, and educational and social events (Sunday brunches, game nights, book clubs, speakers, concerts, cooking demonstrations and more).

Yasher koach to Laura Jacobs who has, for the last several years,  managed the logistics of ordering food, coordinating flowers for the bimah; organizing volunteers to help with kiddush lunches, oneg Shabbats and Yom Tov catering; and keeping the financial records for the group.  After many years of service, Laura is stepping down from her leadership role, and the women of Congregation Etz Hayim have an opportunity to explore and decide how we would like the Sisterhood to proceed. 

After the meeting, an electronic poll will be sent via email to allow you to indicate whether you’d like to get (or stay) involved.  If there is sufficient interest, there will be a follow-up meeting where interested members can elect officers (a minimum of two—one to manage the organization’s finances and one to help organize the Sisterhood’s plans and events, with more positions possible if there is sufficient interest).  If there is not sufficient interest, in order to maintain our lovely kiddush lunches, oneg Shabbats and Yom Tov catering, the Sisterhood will turn to the Board of Directors to work with the congregation as a whole to determine how best to provide these services. 

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